Design Thinking

As we approach Enterprise 2.0, it is becoming more and more transparent what exact role corporate intranets have in the ‘innovational’ sector. There is quite a bit of discussion about intranets being able to innovate, but I would argue the opposite.

Programming and development is nothing more than a series of inputs and outputs. If you input ‘A’ the system knows to output ‘B.’ This can be fudged a bit by employing keywords and database calls, but the same holds true no matter how intricate the system is.

Generally, the inputs are run through an algorithm, or a procedure that outputs a result. Hence, the innovation being the algorithm.
Algorithms are generally not something that is arbitrarily put together by a computer. Mathematicians, developers, designers, and professionals all put effort into coming up with exactly what is needed for the application to do. Then, the algorithm is coded into the software and off they go.

In order to get to the point of establishing an algorithm, an organization must first learn proper design.  They need to learn ‘Design Thinking.”  This includes everything from picking the algorithm team to the final design of the algorithm itself.  Indeed, it is a challenging process, but it is a necessity for the future of enterprise intranets (and Enterprise 2.0 as a whole).

90% of all software (web or otherwise) are design related.  10% is coding.  Put together a great design and the system can be as diverse as you want, now and for years to come.

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