Innovation Zen is recruiting New Writers

First of all I would like to welcome Jason Drohn. He will be contributing with weekly articles on the blog, covering innovation, technology, entrepreneurship and the like. Jason is what you can call a serial entrepreneur, he has been involved with startups for some years already and he also runs a successful online company called TechSolution. You can read more about his ideas on JDsBlog.

Regarding the recruitment of new writers, you can get in touch with us through the Contact Form. Do you have passion for innovation, business strategy, technology or marketing? If so do not hesitate to submit your articles, should they get published we will include a small bio of yourself and a link to your blog or website.

Innovation Zen is counting almost 500 RSS subscribers and it generates over 2500 page views daily, that is a good exposure for anyone wanting to share his ideas. There is also one spot for a permanent writer so if you are interested just get in touch and make sure to include some samples of your writing.