Seven Characteristics of Competitive Companies

Seven characteristics describe the most competitive companies: Market share matters: The 80th share point isn’t as important as the 81st, but don’t let it drop to 79! Understand and remember precisely what business you are in. Whether it’s broke or not, fix it – make it better; whether it be products or the whole company. … Continue reading Seven Characteristics of Competitive Companies

Porter’s Five Forces Are Dead

Web 2.0 has brought about interesting changes in business strategy.  Initially, the generally accepted framework for business strategy, Porter’s Five Rules, applied across the board, no matter the sector or industry.  Today, Porter’s rules are under fire. WinMarket has a great post (although it is an ‘alpha’ version) about the differences between traditional business framework … Continue reading Porter’s Five Forces Are Dead

Design Thinking

As we approach Enterprise 2.0, it is becoming more and more transparent what exact role corporate intranets have in the ‘innovational’ sector. There is quite a bit of discussion about intranets being able to innovate, but I would argue the opposite. Programming and development is nothing more than a series of inputs and outputs. If … Continue reading Design Thinking

Innovation Zen is recruiting New Writers

Regarding the recruitment of new writers, you can get in touch with us through the Contact Form. Do you have passion for innovation, business strategy, technology or marketing? If so do not hesitate to submit your articles, should they get published we will include a small bio of yourself and a link to your blog or website.

A Model Of Global Innovation

Optimize has a great article on Global Innovation. More notably, how IBM has leveraged the venture capitalist group in order to anticipate innovation. “We spent a year determining how best to address this emerging opportunity and ultimately decided that building an ecosystem of partners—working together rather than in competition—would be essential to our success in … Continue reading A Model Of Global Innovation

Service Innovation

According to a BusinessWeek article titled “Service Innovation: The Next Big Thing” the attention of managers and academics around the world are increasingly turning to this type of innovation. The latest demonstration was the creation of the Service Research & Innovation Initiative, which is backed by some tech giants like IBM and Oracle.