
An old professor of mine used to say that the best way to make people review their assumptions, to generate commitment and to promote change is through the use of manifestos. Then again, when we talk about change we inevitably talk about innovation.

Disruptive Innovation and Newspapers

What about newspapers? The appearance of online news services, web portals and other media platforms such as blogs and wikis clearly represent a disruptive innovation for the traditional newspaper industry. Will the likes of NY Times and WSJ be able to survive such disruption?

Jason Calacanis Interview

Usually when I make reference to an external article or paper I use the adjectives “good” or “interesting”. Well, in this occasion they will not suffice. I just came across an outstanding interview with Jason Calacanis, co-founder of Weblogs, Inc (acquired by AOL).

Nine failures for each success

What if I tell you that statistically after nine failures collected you will manage to hit one success? I mean, what if the success was granted after the failures? I guess you would start trying new things and new projects like there is no tomorrow.